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How to Flash Sight a Pistol

While point-shooting sounds like a great idea (to be able to naturally point at a target), it is (for 99% of people) a bad idea at less than touching distances. Past three or four yards, it may be impossible to get reliable hits on center-mass of a target. And remember, they say: think of the worst day at the range, you will be twice as bad as that in the middle of a gun fight!

The other option is called "flash sighting". This means you pull the gun up to the standard shooting position; focus hard on the front of your gun and when-the front post (sight) is somewhere in between the rear sights, you fire! It does not matter where; at three to seven yards even the worst flash sighting gets center- mass hits.

Studies in police departments which train with flash sighting against departments who teach point-shooting have shown staggering results. The flash sighting police hit their targets four times as much as those who point-shoot. Average first shot times were less than one-tenth of a second slower (for those who flash sight).

Most people can use that one-tenth of a second to get that guaranteed hit instead of just putting a bunch of holes in the walls behind the bad guy. Flash sighting is something that needs to be rigorously trained, else you might return to point-shooting.

Both flash sighting and point-shooting take a lot of practice to master, but they are some of the most critical pistol skills to perfect as in a gun fight, targets are going to be close range and in your face. Both skills improve your combat effectiveness, starting with 0 to 3-yards and moving up to 10 yards (in this article).

1. Position yourself about 7-yards (the distance the FBI determined a man could move in a second and a half; about the time it takes to draw a pistol and fire) away from a large (10+ inch) target. In a lowered gun stance (ready position), pull your gun up, as quickly as possible, to firing position and focus hard on the front sight of your gun, wait until you see a bit of the front sight between the rear sights and pull the trigger (this is the primary drill to help your get in the habit of flash sighting). You should be able to land a hit in the 10-inch target every time. If you are missing, try going a little slower. The key is to practice perfectly, and the speed will come naturally.

2. The next stage is to put bursts into the target. Take a few steps back (go for 10 yards). Do the same things as before, but this time, put two or three shots quickly into your target; between each shot, get the flash sight again. Once your’ able to get to firing position and put three quick shots into your 10+ inch target consistently in under a second-and-a-half, you can move on.

3. Practice with multiple targets. You want to start by setting up three or more targets a yard or two apart. Quick to firing position and go down the line. One shot at each target.

Change it up: maybe try it in a different order; have a friend tell you which one to shoot ("one!", "three!", etc.), but the key thing to be sure of is that you hit your target; once you are sure you can hit your target every

time, try to accelerate your pace.

At first when you fire move the gun with the recoil. As soon as the recoil is completed you should be on the next target already. As you get faster you can force the gun into position and be ready before the recoil is complete.

4. Practice while moving. While moving, you should still be able to hit targets at 7-yards. Set up three or more targets about a few yards apart from each other. Start about 15-18 yards back. Run up to about 10 yards (from your first target) while drawing your gun to firing position. Fire a two-shot burst, side- step to engage the next target, and so on.

Each time you run the course, try to do it faster; try to pause as little as possible when shooting (even while moving you should be able to get a flash sight), the longer you pause the more accurate you will be, but in a gun fight, the clock is always ticking quicker than at the range.

5. Integrate the Mozambique Drill. If a friend is calling out target numbers, and they call the number of a target you have already shot, this time you go for a head shot. This is also known as "failure to stop" practice.

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